2024 Highlights

Yet again, we find ourselves at this juncture – the end of one year and the beginning of another. 2024 is performing its last soliloquy, and 2025 is waiting in the wings to take its place.

I know that there are many of these kinds of posts – summaries of the year just gone. But this one isn’t like any of those. Because I didn’t write any of those. But I did write this one. Now, that’s no guarantee of any higher quality. But it is technically true.


2023 Highlights

2023 is fast reaching its inevitable fiery end. Like all 223 years before it, it will soon be the past, making way for the bold new sci-fi world of 2024.

This time of year is a time of reflection, a time for looking both forwards and backwards.
Looking backwards is much like looking forwards. Except that the things we look at have already happened. This makes things more certain – relying less on imagination and more on your phone’s camera roll.


2022: My Highlights

It is that time of year again, when we naturally look back, take stock, list our achievements –  our triumphs, trials, sorrows and joys. And I am no different. Yes, despite all appearances to the contrary, I too am but a mortal man, bound to such trivialities as the inexorable passage of time, and the inevitable marking thereof.

It has become a habit of mine therefore, to list the highlights of my year past, if only so that my blog gets updated at least once per annum, and so to stave off that ever-present temptation for a white, middle-class man – starting a podcast.


Avengers: Endgame – My Review

As you may be aware, I have somewhat of a penchant for the pointless. If something has no need to exist, either I will want to make it exist or I will applaud it for already existing.

And what could be more pointless than a review of Avengers: Endgame?


What Would Jesus Write

So, the Christmas season is upon us.*

Shops are open for longer, the Germans have invaded our high streets with their markets, and Noddy Holder has awoken from his 11-month slumber to the sound of his royalty cheque being posted through the front door.



Sometimes, it is difficult to express yourself fully in words. So I have taken to drawing pictures to articulate some of the unfathomable depths of my soul. This particular piece of art is so deep even I don’t know what I mean.

It is a picture of David Cameron feeling awkward at a ceilidh. Jeremy Corbyn is also there, along with some other celebrity guests. I hope that you enjoy it. But more than that, I hope that it speaks deep emotional and grammatical truths to your soul.
