I Love Me a Good Walk

I love me a good walk. (Careful when you read that)

Admitting this may make me sound 20 or 30 years older than I actually am, but I make no apologies for unashamedly enthusing over the simple joys of walking. Perhaps it comes from growing up in Somerset, or from being an only child and enjoying my own company. Alternatively, it could be my natural kinship with nature. Or maybe I’m just insufferably boring.


Do It Anyway

Over the past year-and-a-bit I’ve learned a lot about creativity. One of these things is what to do when you’re not feeling creative, or you’ve just run out of ideas.

There is a romantic myth that you need to be in the right zone to be creative – that you should wait for inspiration.

I don’t believe it.


The Difficult Second Blog Post

I count myself among the world’s foremost procrastinators.

But then, don’t we all? The claim to possess world-beating procrastinatorial prowess seems to be a fairly commonplace assertion.  And the merest glance through my Twitter or Facebook news feeds confirms the extent to which this procrastination epidemic afflicts the general population. Well, afflicts my friends anyway. I’m sure your friends are all super organised, focused, disciplined and single-minded. And that your parties are just a blast.
